Accomodating older pedestrians in public space

Accomodating older pedestrians in public space

Recommendations for development schemes

The series of “Walking” factsheets aims to promote this mode of travel which is healthy and good for the environment by providing simple information to local authorities and public space developers. For more detailed information, the publications listed on the last page should be consulted.


In 30 years, the percentage of the over 75s will have doubled. The health and independence of these seniors depend partly on their pedestrian mobility:
walking is often the only physical exercise they engage in;
other independent modes of travel tend to be phased out with increasing age.
The elderly are overrepresented in pedestrian accidents. Providing them with public spaces in which they can travel on foot with the least possible risk of falling or having an accident is therefore a social issue.
The recommendations proposed here for developers show that this goal is attainable by applying best practice and accessibility recommendations, supplementing these with amenities that are useful for all, but specific to the needs of the elderly with limited mobility.

French version

Spanish version

Accomodating older pedestrians in public space - PDF
Date de disponibilité
Auteur collectif
Date de parution
Réf. Cerema
Nombre de pages
16 pages
Langue de la publication
Type d'auteur
Oeuvre collective