At present all these software products are in French

PETRA software
Preparation of technical written documents for tenders to build new engineering structures and repair existing structures.
Software to assist with editing standard particular technical clauses (CCTP)

ST1 software

PCP software

CDS software

MUR software

Designs for standard bridges CHAMOA-P
Modular algorithm chain for engineering structures - PLAN.
Automatic designs of Standard Bridges

Designs for standard bridges CHAMOA-3D
Modular algorithm chain for engineering structures - 3D.
Automatic designs of Standard Bridges

French regulatory designs of standard bridges (BAEL/BPEL)
French regulatory designs ( BAEL/BPEL) of the following structures: PSIDA-EL, PSIDP-EL, PIPO-EL, PICF-EL, VIPP-EL
Automatic designs of Standard Bridges

CONVOA software
Analysis of bridge crossing requirements.
Software to analyse crossing requirements for exceptional loads

Outils de calcul de structure

Calculs automatiques de ponts types

Outil d'aide à l'édition de pièces écrites techniques de DCE