Cerema is a partner of 58 projects funded by the European Commission, mainly within the Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme (2014-2020) and within the regional cooperation section known as Interreg of the regional development fund, ERDF.
The projects focus on sustainable regional development in collaboration with local authorities, industrial and academic partners across Europe.


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Horizon Europe



Improved science-based maritime spatial planning to safeguard and restore biodiversity in a coherent european mpa network

The main objective of MSP4BIO is to develop an integrated and modular Ecological-Socio-Economic (ESE) management framework for the protection and restoration of marine ecosystems. The framework will take into account the criteria and objectives of relevant policies (MSFD, WFD, MSPD, CFP, etc.) and contribute to the EU Biodiversity Strategy (EUBS) 2030 and the Convention on Biological Diversity post-2020 framework. Six test sites in five European Sea Basins have been selected to conduct the analysis and to showcase and operationalise the ESE management framework. The test sites reflect the processes that are taking place at the national, sub-and-supranational levels, at different geographical scales, and focus on different socio-economic and environmental challenges.

Project start and end: august 2022 - august 2025

For further information: Website project



Most automated vehicles have been primarily trained and tested under optimal weather and road conditions with clear visibility. However, the systems must prove that they are equally reliable and accurate under any weather and road condition before they can see widespread acceptance and adoption. ROADVIEW (Robust Automated Driving in Extreme Weather) is an EU-funded Horizon Europe Innovation Action aiming to develop robust and cost-efficient in-vehicle perception and decision-making systems for connected and automated vehicles with enhanced performance under harsh weather conditions and different traffic scenarios. The project's innovations are based on a multi-sensor configuration (camera, lidar, radar, geolocation), modelling and filtering of sensor noise, and collaborative perception between infrastructure and vehicle.



REALLOCATE transforms streets into inclusive, green, safe and future-proof urban spaces, where communities live and thrive. The project enables researchers, mobility experts, urban planners and local citizens to collectively re-imagine our cities and redesign how we move from one place to another. This four-year project (May 2023 - April 2027) catalyses change in mobility practices. Together with relevant stakeholders, the project team develops integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions, enabling European cities to exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas, and inspire other cities to replicate and adapt the developed solutions to their own contexts.

REALLOCATE is aligned with the climate neutrality goals of the Mission Cities 2030. It supports cities in working towards their net-zero carbon objectives, and accelerates the development of integrated and innovative sustainable urban mobility solutions and tools for safe, inclusive and smart cities. Cerema is involved in the project as an expert on mobility (safety, public space sharing, mobility for all, planning), as a producer of methodology and experience sharing to enhance the project's contributions, and as local support for the Lyon partners.

Project start and end: May 2023 - April 2027

For further information: Website project



The European project RESIST - Regions for climate change RESilience through innovation, Science and Technology - targets the experimentation of climate change adaptation ways by mobilizing 56 structures from 14 countries. Four regions will develop Large Scale Demonstrators in different pilot sites through cooperation between the academic, public, private spheres and citizens.

Through a twinning with the pilot region of South-West Finland, the Normandy Region is associated with Cerema and the French Office for Biodiversity to test nature-based solutions in Normandy. They will target integrated approaches of nature in the city, urban cooling and the resilience of industrial areas to runoff and flooding risks.

For further information: Website project



SETO, a project funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 program, aims to address the inefficiencies in the current process of implementing directives and regulations in the transportation sector. This process is time-consuming, resource-intensive, and often applied randomly. It burdens regulatory authorities, leads to disruptions, accidents, infrastructure damage, and harms the environment.

To resolve these issues, SETO is developing an innovative digital platform. This platform collects and integrates data from various sources, providing simplified access to regulatory information. It ensures data security through the use of blockchain technology. It creates an innovative, consistent, and robust enforcement assistance system suitable for multimodal and cross-border environments.

SETO's goals are ambitious. They aim to promote a more competitive and equitable transportation market by optimizing human and economic resources, reducing costs, improving infrastructure sustainability, reducing accidents, and strengthening government control services.
To achieve these goals, the platform will be tested and validated in real-world scenarios with the direct participation of stakeholders. SETO is led by a consortium of 14 partners from seven European countries, bringing a diversity of expertise and know-how to all stages of the transportation value chain. This diversity will ensure the dissemination and exploitation of products and technologies developed within the SETO project.

Cerema Centre-Est, through its Department of Risk, Infrastructure, and Materials (DRIM), participates in the SETO project as a partner, developing an innovative system to identify and detect heavy vehicle axles, including when they are raised using inductive loops. Cerema also contributes to improving weigh-in-motion techniques and participates in tests of onboard weighing systems for heavy vehicles.

For further information: Website project


The GreenStorm project focuses on stormwater nature-based solutions and investigates their performance and resilience for current and future climate extremes, as well as pathways for their city-wide implementation. The project aims to develop innovative designs that allow optimizing hydrologic and thermal regulation benefits, securing the survival of vegetation, while remaining acceptable for municipal services or residents to ensure their successful dissemination in European cities.

For further information: Website project


Launched in October 2023 and spanning over 36 months, CALECHE brings together a consortium of experts, scientist, industrials, sociologists and historians. We are driven by the challenge of maintaining the integrity and aesthetics of historic buildings while integrating modern sustainability standards. Our focus lies in developing and demonstrating renovation approaches that are both environmentally friendly and socially and economically viable.

At CALECHE, we envision a future where historic buildings tell tales of our past and play a crucial role in a sustainable future. Our mission is to transform these timeless structures into epitomes of energy efficiency and environmental stewardship while respecting their unique historical and cultural significance.

The Innovative Renovation Approaches is to develop methods that respect the heritage value of buildings while enhancing their energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. To establish decision-making frameworks that balance cultural preservation with modern sustainability needs, a Multi-benefit Decision Tool will be developped. And the project will include a strong part on community engagement and inclusivity: to ensure our renovated spaces resonate with communities, maintaining their historical essence and fostering a sense of shared heritage.

For further information: Website projetc


Horizon Europe Programme (2021-2027)



AWARD’s objective is to bring disruptive changes in the logistic industry by scaling Autonomous Driving Vehicles (AD Vehicles) system and Logistics Operation & Fleet Management (LOFM) system for heavy-duty vehicles, targeting compliance with ISO 26262 and taking into consideration SOTIF recommendations. The AD Vehicles’ Autonomous Driving System (ADS) will be based on multiple sensor modalities and an embedded teleoperation system to address 24/7 availability. The ADS will then be integrated into multiple vehicle types used in low-speed areas. Finally, these vehicles will be deployed, integrated and operated in a variety of real-life use cases to validate their value in the application and identify any limitations and functional level to address 24/7 availability. This challenge will be particularly tackled by extending the AD Vehicles performances under harsh weather conditions (rain, fog, snow) that are today limiting the Operation Design Domain (ODD), which describes the specific conditions under which a given AD Vehicle or feature is intended to operate. These are to be developed along with an adapted regulatory framework for autonomous logistics operations in warehouses, airports, and ports.

Project start and end: 01/2021 - 31/12/2023




MODALES, Modify Drivers' behaviour to Adapt for Lower Emissions, helps to substantially reduce the polluting emissions of all types of road vehicles. Focused on the driver, it encourages the adoption of adapted driving practices and vehicle maintenance choices. It aims to improve the effectiveness of On-Board Diagnostics (OBD devices) and their updates. The project is based on a better understanding of the impact of driving on vehicle emissions from engines, brakes and tires. Coordinated by European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organisation - Intelligent Transport Systems & Services Europe and bringing together 15 partners from 10 European countries and the European neighbourhood, solutions are proposed that can be leveraged by local and national air quality plans: driver training, driving assistance via an app and awareness campaigns. MODALES also provides an international platform for sharing innovative solutions and best practices to reduce vehicle emissions.

Cerema brings its knowledge of on-board driving assistance systems to reduce fuel consumption and their impact on driving practices. Work to assess the impacts of these devices is carried out based on statistical analysis of data

Project start and end: 09/2019 – 08/2022

For further information: Cordis sheet



Launched in December 2016, mySMARTlife - Smart Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of smart Life and Economy - must define an urban energy transition strategy based on technological innovation and the experimentation of new business models. Three major European cities, Nantes, Hamburg and Helsinki, are the main areas for experimentation. Following rigorous evaluation, the solutions tested (electro-mobility, citizen participation, renewable energy production and storage, urban data management, intelligent public lighting management, etc.) are intended to be duplicated in other European cities. Under the coordination of Spain's CARTIF, 28 partners from 7 Member States are working together until October 2021.

Cerema led the situational analysis in the Nantes urban context. This analysis contributes to defining the assessment methodology for the solutions tested, and its implementation on the Nantes demonstrator.

Project start and end: 12/2016 – 10/2021

For further information: Cordis sheet      Cerema project sheet



The long-term vision of ORCHESTRA is a future where it is easy to coordinate and synchronise the traffic management of all modes to cope with diverse demands and situations. The overall objective of ORCHESTRA is to provide European policy makers, public authorities, transport providers and citizens with new knowledge and technical and organisational solutions to enhance collaboration and synchronising of operations within and across transport modes.

Project start and end: 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2024

FCCIS - Future Circular Collider Innovation Study

FCCIS - Future Circular Collider Innovation Study

CERN (European Council for Nuclear Research, now the European Organization for Nuclear Research) builds and operates a complex of particle accelerators that is unique in the world, with the aim of understanding the composition of the universe and how it works. Current accelerators have made some remarkable discoveries, but questions remain. To answer them, CERN is studying the feasibility of a future circular collider (FCC) placed in a tunnel some 90 km long on French and Swiss territory. The results of this feasibility study are expected by the end of 2025, enabling discussions on the possible construction of this major scientific facility.

As part of the European FCCIS project, Cerema is contributing its technical expertise on risks, environment, mobility and planning, with a particular focus on the territorial constraints associated with infrastructure placement, the transnational environmental assessment framework, the management of excavated materials and territorial impacts.

Project start and finish: November 2020 - October 2024

For more information: Project website



PASSPORT project is financed by the EU Space Program Agency (EUSPA). It aims at developing an operational platform managing a fleet of semi-autonomous drones exploiting GNSS high accuracy and authentication to improve security and safety in port areas. The platform integrates and displays diverse data: context awareness, communication with operators, real-time images and positioning. Several validation campaigns were conducted: Szczecin (Poland), Valencia (Spain), Hamburg (Germany), Le Havre (France), Ravenna (Italy). Sistematica is the project coordinator.

The Cerema contributed to the organisation of the French validation campaign, which was conducted in September. It identified possible ports and scenarios. It co-organised a public live demonstration, during which two drones were operated simultaneously: Boreal (4.2 m fixed-wing) and Ventura (multi-rotary wings drone). These drones followed a ship in the port area. The tested scenario was the protection against non-cooperatives small crafts approaching the port areas.

For further information: Website project



BisonHuman activities are mainly at the root of the massive collapse in biodiversity that is currently taking place. "In most parts of the world today, nature has been significantly altered by multiple human factors, and the vast majority of ecosystem and biodiversity indicators show a rapid decline. In total, 75% of the earth's surface is significantly altered...". Transport activities and infrastructures bear a share of the responsibility. However, solutions have been put in place since the early 1960s, and efforts to reduce the impact of infrastructures on biodiversity are growing all over the world, and particularly in Europe. The aim of the Horizon Europe BISON (Biodiversity and Infrastructure Synergies and Opportunities for European Transport Networks) project is to draw up a Europe-wide assessment of the actions, tools and practices applied throughout the life of a transport and energy infrastructure project that promote better integration of biodiversity. The best of these tools and techniques were selected for dissemination across the continent. This process also made it possible to reveal the barriers to their dissemination and local appropriation, to detect gaps in technical and scientific knowledge, and to identify the most up-to-date emerging themes. These elements were after several analyses then used to define a Strategic Research and Deployment Agenda (SRDA), revealing the research themes that remain to be investigated and based in particular on the dissemination of knowledge and. In this regard, an online technical handbook and guides on tools and technics, regulation and defragmentation has been produced by the BISON team for the benefit of the European Union. Cerema (and most of the Territorial Divisions as well as the DTecREM, managed by DTerSud-Ouest) has been heavily involved in all the WorkPackages of this BISON project, being the 6th in terms of the share of the overall BISON project budget allocated to Cerema, out of a total of 42 European partners. Thanks to this BISON project, Cerema is now seen as a key partner by most players in the field of biodiversity and transport infrastructure. All the deliverables from the BISON project will be available just before the end of the project on December 2023.

For further information: Website project





RISVAL - Seismic risk and alpine vulnerability - is a cross-border cooperation project between alpine valley communities, funded by Interreg ALCOTRA (France-Italy).  RISVAL aims to better characterise the seismic risk of the Alpine border region, which is most often subjected to low-intensity earthquakes but potentially destructive events (every 30 years or so). One of the objectives of RISVAL is to enable macro-seismic intensities to be rapidly characterised after an event. Shared tools will also be developed to describe the vulnerability of buildings and strategic infrastructures. Coordinated by the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region (Italy), RISVAL involves regional and local authorities in the development of seismic risk management tools: common database structures to improve knowledge and cross-border risk management, innovative cross-border surveillance system and cross-border strategies to reduce the consequences of seismic risks. 

Cerema offers its knowledge of the terrain and its experience to improve major movement prediction maps (shakemaps) in near-real time. It also carries out on-site measurements to estimate the vulnerability of road engineering structures (A51 and access viaduct to the Mont Blanc tunnel, known as the Egratz).

Project start and end: 06/2017 – 06/2020

For further information: Cerema project sheet

Antennes CROSS


In spetember 2017, the VHF station of Sint-Marteen was fully devasted by the hurricane IRMA. The MRCC Fort De France, in charge of maritime rescue on this area, has therefore lost its radio communication capabilities essential to its missions. The objective of the "Antennes CROSS" project is to strengthen the means of maritime radiocommunications by deploying a new VHF station on Saint Bathelemy. The project involves 3 partners: the Territorial Unit of Sint-Marteen & Saint Barthelemy (Leader), the MRCC Fort De France and the Cerema.


Project start and end: 09/2017 - 12/2024

For further information: Cerema project sheet (in French)



According to several studies, chronic exposure to indoor air pollutants causes problems such as allergies and respiratory issues, as well as other issues that can go unnoticed. For example, mental fatigue or decreased concentration levels, which affects intellectual performance and productivity. Around 70% of European schools, at some stage, exceed the maximum permissible levels of CO2 and, in turn, educational establishments account for one fifth of the tertiary sector’s building stock. Due to a lack of ventilation or a defective air renewal system, as well as high classroom occupancy rates, the indoor air in these buildings is often contaminated.

The 3SQAIR project (Sustainable Smart Strategy for Air Quality Assurance in Classrooms) aims at improving our gnowledge of the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in educational buildings and identifying smart and sustainable innovation strategies at a national and regional levels. Its main objective is to develop a common strategy for achieving sustainable solutions that guarantee acceptable IAQ in classrooms.

Project start and end: 03/11/2020 - 30/04/2023

For further information: Website project



A large share of marine litter reaches the sea via inland waterways, posing a serious threat to the environment and human health.
Our consortium involves regional authorities, water management bodies, knowledge institutes, companies, and NGOs from 5 countries with the long-term goal to reduce the outflow of macroplastic waste from inland waters into the North Sea.

The innovation of this project lies in the integrated cross-sectoral approach, we address four interrelated thematic pillars : Governance & policy, Data collection & analysis, Prevention & behaviour change and Removal of plastic waste.

Each region implements a combination of policy, data collection, awareness, and removal activities to develop robust, practice-based solutions to reduce riverine waste that can be used across the North Sea region.

Cerema lead the Governance & policy pillar at the French consortium scale.

For further information: Website project


The Norsaic Project aims to create a future-proof and innovative cooperation governance for next-level transnational Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the North Sea. The North Seas marine space is an intensely used area, shared by many countries and actors who have various interests, while also new emerging usages and challenges develop. 

At the same time, the North Sea is also an important environmental asset. Climate change, economic drivers and local/regional impacts of activities necessitate new and adapted MSP approaches, innovation and an overall improved joint capacity, which is jointly developed by authorities and decision-makers, research organizations and maritime actors, for an improved cooperation governance on national, as well as local/regional level. Norsaic bring together all these actors, who jointly work togethe

For further information: Website project


SPIRAL is part of the European INTERREG VI-A SPAIN-FRANCE-ANDORRA project (POCTEFA 2021-2027). funded number: EFA 039/01.The main objective of the project is to improve the resilience of the Pyrenean territory to catastrophic events and landslides. Two main areas of work are proposed: 
a. Obtain short-term forecasts (24h-48) of sites where landslides may occur. This involves developing a regional early warning system for landslides (tLEWS); 
b. Assessment of the risks of landslides on transport, water infrastructures or urbanised areas at the urbanised areas on a risk basin scale, and ultimately to propose risk mitigation protocols with presentation of appropriate actions.

For further information: Website project


The main objective of the TARGET project(2024 - 2027) is to promote the development and application of territorial planning models for sustainable water management and the prevention of crisis situations due to water scarcity, by integrating solutions and methodologies for the use of non-conventional water resources. 

The consortium implementing this project is led by the Etablissement Public du Bassin Territorial de la Dordogne (Epidor), and includes partners from France, Spain and Portugal. 

Work will focus on the various dimensions of water management: governance, technology, regulation, economic model, societal acceptability and vulnerability. The approach will also be multiscalar watershed planning to implementation of a program for the reuse of treated wastewater by a local authority, to project implementation.


Nowadays, in the Pyrenees, the slopes between 2,200 and 2,600 m above sea level are subject to seasonal frost, from autumn to spring, with the presence of ice in the soil and bedrock. By contrast, the upper reaches (>2,600 - 2,800 m) are home to permafrost (permanent frost). Permafrost is defined as continuous negative temperatures in the ground and bedrock, throughout the year and for at least two consecutive years. Unlike the Alps or Sierra Nevada, little is known about the thermal regime of permafrost in the Pyrenees, despite the major geomorphological and environmental issues associated with the risks of its degradation (slope instability, landslides, collapse of moraines, etc.).

To overcome this lack of knowledge, the project is divided into 3 major actions:

  1. Identification of Pyrenean permafrost using various tools (SAR interferometry, electrical surveys, drilling, sampling and installation of sensors) and at different scales (the entire Pyrenean high mountain area and a study of 9 specific zones).
  2. Analysis of permafrost evolution and response to climate change by monitoring the sensors in place, studying the characteristics of rocky materials and their evolution, and geomechanical modelling of 2 sites
  3. Risk management through the creation of maps and monitoring data

Mobility makers

Mobility Makers: Customising sustainable mobility mixes to fit users’ needs

The MM-Project is an initiative of 15 Project Partners, who are working in different parts of the North See Region. These partners are the following : Intercommunale voor Ontwikkeling van het Gewest Mechelen en Omgeving (Lead Partner), Intercommunale Leiedal, Universiteit Gent,  Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Cerema, Communauté de Communes du Pays de Lumbres, Boulogne sur mer Développement Côte d’Opale, Communauté de Communes de Desvres Samer, Communauté de Communes de la Terre des 2 caps, Region Midtjylland, Designskolen Kolding, Länsstyrelsen Skåne, Energikontor Syd AB, Gemeente Vlissingen, HZ University of Applied.
In essence, the partnership comprises knowledge institutions, such as universities, along with local and regional public authorities.

Despite the potential benefits of opting for healthier alternatives, like exercising while commuting, achieving cost savings, often faster travel, and minimizing environmental impact, many people do not embrace these options. The MM-Project delves into the motivations of distinct user groups, exploring what factors contribute to their heavy reliance on cars, and aims to identify strategies to reduce their dependence on automobiles.  Why do individuals have a strong affinity for driving their cars? How can we encourage people in rural and peri-urban areas of the North Sea Region to participate in the modal shift?

Thanks to this Interreg project, partners (with living labs) thus aim to develop and execute user-centric mobility solutions and to incentivise target groups to change their daily mobility practices and the way they perceive these practices.

The Cerema and the Communauté de Communes du Pays de Lumbres (CCPL) and the Cerema Hauts-de-France are working together and are providing an active participation in the European Mobility Makers project as co-leader of work package 1. The CCPL is keen to move on to the next stage, drawing on the experience of our European partners in the North Sea region to design innovative alternative mobility solutions that take user behaviour into account. The CCPL wants to improve mobility services, and identify new equipment and also find solutions that can have an impact on changing the behaviour of residents. The Cerema in partnership with the CCPL will make a film on the mobility habits of the inhabitants of the CCPL's territory in June and september 2024 by accompanying two groups of people (people aged over 65 and young people aged from 13 to 25) on their journeys.

For further information: Website project


The main aim of the CleanAirBouw project is to develop air monitoring and pollution control processes for healthier buildings. More specifically, the partners aim to enhance the protection of the environment and its occupants by reducing urban and building air pollution, through the development of air pollution control processes. The project's aim is to help to choose a technique based on the pollution present, and then to develop monitoring devices and air treatment processes, both indoors (purifier/VMC) and outdoors (biomass smoke treatment). The project also aims to inform the general public, in particular by raising awareness among schoolchildren, students and professionals of the dangers of this pollution, and of the results of this project in the 3 regions covered by the Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen.






LIFE-ADSORB is a project funded by the European Life programme. It implements and tests an innovative prototype for the effective retention of rainwater pollutants from road run-off, released into the natural environment. It focuses on reducing organic and mineral micro-pollutants: metals, suspended solids (SS), hydrocarbons and other environmental toxic substances (phthalates, alkylphenols, perfluorinated compounds, etc.) whether present in dissolved or particulate form. LIFE-ADSORB is led by the city of Paris and brings together academic research laboratories (INRA and ENPC), Cerema and the engineering and research office EcoBird.

Cerema leads the assessment of the filter's effectiveness and contributes directly to the instrumentation, acceptance testing and modelling phases of the filter. It carries out some analyses of micro-pollutants and participates in the environmental assessment for the life cycle analysis (LCA) section.

Project start and end: July 2018 - September 2023

Learn more: LIFE-ADSORB project sheet




LIFE-ARTISAN (Achieving Resiliency by Triggering Implementation of nature-based Solutions for climate Adaptation at a National scale) is a project funded by the European Life Programme. It deploys an action plan to increase the resiliency of French regions, including Overseas regions, to climate change by encouraging the use of nature-based solutions. It thus contributes to the implementation of France's 2018-2022 National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (Pnacc-2). It implements a demonstrator programme of ten nature-based adaptation projects spread throughout France. Thirteen regional platforms will also be created to support the deployment of nature-based adaptation solutions. LIFE-ARTISAN is a project led by the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB) and brings together many local, regional and national partners, both in the public and private sectors.

Cerema's teams are particularly involved in the design of the digital platform, a resource centre, dedicated to nature-based solutions, in the creation of an inventory of available resources, and in the development of new tools as well as in organisation, training and assessment of the demonstrator programme.

Project start and end: 2020 – 2027

LIFE Heat&Cool


Launched at the end of 2021 under the auspices of the Provence Alpes Cotes d'Azur d'Azur, the LIFE Heat&Cool project aims to develop heating and cooling networks based on renewable and recovered energies. It is part of the region's strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and adapting to climate change. The project mobilizes 8 partners and is made up of 19 actions that explore the full range of tools and levers to promote deployment of district heating networks : opportunity assessment, planning, certification procedures, technical and economic decision-support tools, invoicing, legal arrangements, participatory or awareness-raising, training and support for local to help local authorities set up their projects.

Cerema is particularly involved in 3 actions involving development of a tool to identify the potential of heating and cooling networks, taking them into account in urban planning documents urban planning documents, and updating existing assessment and labelling and labeling procedures.

Project start and end: 2021 – 2026

Learn more: "DHC Potential" : a map to identify the District Heating and Cooling potential of development | Cerema


The PYRENEES4CLIMA project on adaptation to climate change in the Pyrenees was approved by the European LIFE program in June 2023. With a 20-million euro budget, this projet is coordinated by the Consorcio de la Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos (CTP-OPCC). It aims to implement the Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy, the first European climate change strategy specifically designed for a mountain and cross-border bio-region. 

The 47 project partners will have 7.5 years to develop climate change adaptation actions, designed for the mountain territory and based on a cross-border approach. Cerema is particularly involved in two actions: one on resilient natural spaces (WP 3), the other (WP5) on water and natural risk management in case of extreme events.

For further information: Website project






MLA3 (Slow movements in the Alps: Anticipate and Develop) is a project co-funded under the Interregional Program of the Alps Range (POIA-ERDF) managed by the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region (in partnership with the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region).

It aims to better understand and model slow clay-type landslides, in a context of climate change, in order to better anticipate them and consider development in the affected areas. The project is based on the monitoring of pilot sites along the RN85 (Route Napoléon). For each pilot site, the project involves discussion with all the stakeholders of the affected regions (one third of the budget devoted to Human and Social Sciences) to improve the management of the risk related to this type of slowly evolving phenomenon. Four municipalities are involved, along with the Isère Departmental Council and the Interdepartmental Roads Directorate (DIR) Mediterranean, the Isère mountain land restoration service (RTM 38) and the Pôle Alpin des Risques Naturels (PARN) .

Cerema is involved in all 4 aspects of the project: (A) characterisation of massifs and knowledge of the sliding mechanisms at work, (B) instrumentation and monitoring of movements, (C) modelling to anticipate and (D) discussion around the management of risks induced by slow landslides.

Project start and end: 04/2018 - 03/2021 




The RIN FONDEOL project, financed by the FEDER and the NORMANDIE region, targets the problems of wind turbine foundations in coastal areas. It brings together several partners from Normandy and the INCT-INFRA laboratory in Brazil. In collaboration with Energie TEAM, which has provided the Beaumontel site (27) to access the parameters of a wind turbine wind turbine foundation. It is a starting point towards the emergence of a Normandy in civil engineering applied to renewable energies.

Project start and end: 01/10/2019 - 30/10/2022





CEF programme

FENIX,« A European FEderated Network of Information eXchange in Logistics», is a project funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).   It aims to deploy and test intelligent transport services (ITSs) for freight and logistics on a dozen European multimodal exchange and transport corridors, three of which are in France. FENIX is coordinated by ERTICO and brings together 26 partners from 12 European countries, including 6 French partners. It is a continuation of the AEOLIX (Horizon 2020) project, of which Cerema is a partner.

Cerema supports the deployment of equipment and services pertaining to the access and port area of the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille as part of the Lyon-Avignon-Marseille Mediterranean corridor. Cerema integrates the dematerialisation of transport procedures, particularly those relating to hazardous goods, into the project.

Project start and end: April 2019 - March 2022



CEF programme

InDiD is a project funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). It is the logical continuation of the European cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) projects SCOOP@F, C-ROADS France and InterCor in which Cerema participates. The project aims to expand coverage to new experimental sites, and to develop new use cases that address the urban environment, along with increased autonomous vehicle perception use cases. By deploying connectivity to infrastructure, InDiD will improve safety and cooperative traffic management. Coordinated by the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, it brings together 24 partners including communities, road managers and companies in the sector.

Cerema is responsible for the development of some of the specifications of the global system, consisting of connected vehicles, roadside units, vehicle management units and managers' platforms, and for upgrades to the European road traffic management data exchange standard, DATEX II.

Project start and end: summer 2019 - 2023



InterCor is a project funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). It is a pilot deployment project of cooperative intelligent transport systems and services (C-ITS) with a more specific focus on freight and heavy traffic. The network covered is in France, England, Flanders and the Netherlands (London- Lille - Paris - Rotterdam). InterCor drives the C-ROADS platform.

Cerema is not a partner in the Intercor project, but provides support to the Interdepartmental Directorates of the Roads Involved (DIR).

Project start and end: 09/2016 – 02/2020

For further information: CEF programme InterCor Sheet


NAPCORE (National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe) is a European project which aims to coordinate and harmonise mobility data flows in Europe by supporting the steps towards the creation of Europe-wide solutions to better facilitate the use of this data.

To this aim, NAPCORE is setting up a coordination mechanism to:

  • Harmonise national access points to ensure interoperability between these different platforms and guarantee access and availability of this mobility data across Europe.
  • Improve the interoperability of mobility data in Europe through the harmonisation and alignment of mobility data standards. → DATEX II, TN-ITS, Transmodel and MobilityDCAT-AP

NAPCORE is co-financed by a Programme Support Action (PSA) under the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

Start and end of project: September 2021 - December 2024 (1-year extension currently being validated)

For further information: Website project





The main objective of the project MSP-OR (Advancing maritime spatial planning in outermost regions) is to support MSP competent authorities in Portugal (Azores and Madeira) and Spain (Canary Islands) in advancing the implementation of their MSP processes, launched with the previous MarSP project; and in France (French Guiana) advancing with knowledge, providing grounds to launching and adopting the principles of MSP. During the three years of the project, important developments will be tailored, according to the specific needs of each participating region, such as filling knowledge gaps, training actions and interactive stakeholder involvement, sectoral planning approach and ecosystem approach applied at a regional level.

Project start and end: october 2021 - september 2023







AUTREMENT  is a European cooperative project involving the City of Strasbourg - as project leader -, the municipalities of Kairouan and Mahdia (Tunisia), ALDA, CODATU, and CEREMA, co-financed by the European Union.
Its objective is to promote active mobility and enhance citizen participation in urban planning in Kairouan and Mahdia.

The project includes four main actions:
Strengthening local capacities and governance | Communication, visibility, and sharing of experiences | Citizen mobilization and awareness-raising | Public space development.


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