Urban streets for all Cities and accessibility in Europe
scientific and technical territorial meetings - September 27th in Montpellier
Proceedings of the day of discussions Scientific and technical territorial meetings September 27th in Montpellier - Appendix (slides and transcription of the discussions)
Cities and accessibility in Europe - Proceedings of the day of discussions on September 27th in Montpellier. Programme of the day • 9:00 Welcome • 9:30 Opening of the seminar by representatives of CNFPT and CERTU • 9:45 Introduction : presentation of the study « Accessibility practices in 11 European cities for persons of reduced mobility ». Organisational aspects : how to ensure coordination between local authority departments and consultation with citizens ?
• 10:15 Technical referents within municipalities : the access officers in the United Kingdom
• 10:45 A service dedicated to all disability matters : the Accesplus service in Liege Valérie VONCKEN – Municipality of Liege
• 11:15 Round table : Which organization within local authority departments can facilitate crosssector approaches and consultation with final beneficiaries ? Barcelona, Ávila, Lund, The Access Association, Liège, Lille Métropole, Montpellier
• 12h15 Lunch Technical aspects : which examples of achievements to guide future works ?
• 13:45 Example of achievements in Lund
• 14:15 Example of achievements in Barcelone
• 14:45 Ávila, winner of the European access city award in 2010
• 15:15 Round table : how to enhance accessibility of European cities ? Barcelona, Ávila, Lund, The Access Association, Liège, Lille Métropole, Montpellier
• 16:15 Conclusion by Marie Prost-Coletta, the accessibility representative for the Ministry of Sustainable Development