Working towards a more responsible, more sustainable society
To mark its commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR), Cerema signed the sustainable development charter for public establishments and companies with the CGDD on 10 October 2019.
The following guidelines guide our action towards sustainable development:
Implementing Cerema’s strategy
Highlighting Cerema’s added value with regard to the major challenges facing our regions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SGD)
A collective effort to enhance quality of life in the workplace
CSR Governance
The CSR strategy is governed by the quality management system’s Strategy-Governance process.
This process enables us to guarantee that good practices are shared, and that there is a constant focus on continuous improvement. It is based on leveraging our internal resources, benchmarking and analysing Cerema’s challenges under the SDG, and delivering of concrete actions on both a local and national level.
Cerema has already taken a number of steps to consolidate its sustainable development strategy, in terms of both the work it does and how it is organised. Within our different departments, a number of actions have been taken internally to reduce energy consumption (Cube 2020), bring organic produce into the staff canteen, and to set up vegetable patches on our sites... to name but a few.
These initiatives help Cerema to bolster its overall performance (finances, team spirit, and society) and to raise awareness of CSR amongst its clients, partners, and suppliers, by making its desire to set the standard in social responsibility known.