NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS EU definition (2015): Nature-Based Solutions are positive responses to societal challenges, capable of simultaneously meeting environmental, social and economic objectives. They are actions inspired by, conveyed by or copied from nature. They use and promote existing solutions to these challenges, but also explore new solutions. Ideally, Nature-Based Solutions are resilient to change, but also energy and resource efficient. They consider the importance of developing a systemic approach, while adapting to the local context.
Nature4Cities wishes to democratise the concept of NBS and encourage the development of new cooperative models, to allow the deployment of NBS, by developing a platform for knowledge, evaluation and decision support. This platform will provide tools for the impact assessment, promotion and monitoring of NBS projects.
The multi-partite platform will meet the needs of:
Policy makers, public sector services and entrepreneurs, who will benefit from a knowledge base and decision support tools;
Researchers and the educational community, who will have access to quality data and new methodologies;
Civil society, which will benefit from the dissemination of knowledge and a platform dedicated to citizen engagement, set up to assess the pilot sites of partner cities (Alcala de Henares, Ankara, Milan and Szeged).
N4C is organised into 10 Work Packages (WPs):
WP1 aims to build an NBS knowledge base (project types and observatory) and to develop a framework for analysing the implementation of NBS in urban projects.
WP2 is dedicated to the assessment of NBSs in light of urban challenges. It will produce simplified and more expert assessment approaches.
WP3 deploys urban metabolism and life cycle analysis methodologies for integrated environmental assessment.
Building on the inputs from WP2 and 3, WP4 focuses on the assessment of the economic impacts of NBSs. Two value scales will be developed, a monetary scale and an alternative scale based on the quality of life to take into account social impacts.
WP5 builds knowledge on NBS implementation models (governance, financing models). A study of the involvement of city inhabitants and stakeholders and of the mechanisms of social acceptance, will allow innovative models of governance to be recommended.
WP6 will specify the architecture of the platform.
WP7 concerns pilot cases, in partner cities, which will allow full-scale testing of the platform.
The WP8 collected, upstream of the project, the field requirements.
WP9 concerns project communication.
WP10 concerns its administrative and functional management.
Cerema is coordinator of WP1. It contributes to the entire project and provides scientific direction (Marjorie Musy).
Nobatek / FR | Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation / ES | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology / LU | Fundacio Eurecat / ES |
Fundacion Cartif / ES | Cerema / FR | Université de Nantes / FR | Szegedi Tudomanyegyetem / HU |
Institut supérieur des sciences agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du paysage / FR | Middle east technical university / TR | Acciona infraestructuras s.a. / ES | D'appolonia spa / IT |
Green4cities gmbh / AT | R2m solution srl / IT | Ekodenge muhendislik mimarlik danismanlik ticaret anonim sirketi / TR | Argedor bilisim teknolojileri sanayi ve ticaret limited sirketi / TR |
Colouree srl / IT | Innova intergra limited / UK | Terranis sas / FR | Duneworks bv / NL |
Plante et cite / FR | Magyar urbanisztikai tudasközpont nkft. / HU | Citta metropolitana di milano / IT | Cankaya belediyesi / TR 134,000 |
Municipality of szeged | Ayuntamiento de alcala de henares |
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