This platform mobilizes a set of skills, materials, demonstrators and special methods to examine the impact of urban development on local climate phenomena, particularly that of heat islands.
Service offering
Coordination and participation in high value-added projects for the development of knowledge, methods and tools for evaluating heat islands and microclimate phenomena in urban and peri-urban areas.
Production, processing and analysis of mobile micro-meteorological measurements for local authorities.
Design and setup of in situ weather measurement networks.
Urban climate maps and calculation of multicriteria diagnostic indicators (in connection with user vulnerability, comfort, energy, etc.).
Support for the integration of climate diagnostics in innovative urban projects.
Training: tools and methods for urban climatology and the impact of nature within towns.
Human and hardware resources
Physical resources
Network weather station facility.
Mobile measurement vehicle: it can be deployed nationwide for measurements of air temperature, hygrometry, solar and infrared flux, and greenhouse gas concentration. Depending on the need, these data can be processed, either by analysing a measurement profile, or by applying a method to map an entire study area by interpolation.
Computer stations for scientific computing, modelling and GIS processing are also available on the platform.
In addition, the experience acquired by the team in the design and implementation of a meteorological station facility and its related database in the Nancy area can be transferred to other study areas.
Human resources
Research team, engineers and technicians, specialists in urban climate instrumentation and modelling. Skills related to scheduling and operational urban planning are also available within the team.
References and clients
PhD theses
F. Leconte (2014) Caractérisation des ilots de chaleur urbains par zonage climatique et mesures mobiles : cas de Nancy (Characterization of urban heat islands by climate zoning and mobile measurements: the case of Nancy)
National research projects
DIACLIMAP “DIAgnostic CLImatique pour une Méthodologie d’Assistance à la Planification urbain” (Climate diagnostics for an urban planning assistance methodology), ADEME project 2015-2017
EUREQUA “Evaluation mUltidisciplinaire et Requalification Environnementale des QUArtiers” (Multidisciplinary evaluation and environmental requalification of neighbourhoods), ANR project 2012-2016
Expert assessment for local authorities and companies
AMO research and innovation (SOLOREM, Nancy, 2012-2016)
Setting up a network weather station facility and a database
Climate expertise as part of a development operation of an Eco-neighbourhood (Nancy Grand Cœur)
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