DIMA: Durability, Innovation and Recovery of Alternative Materials

The aim is to better understand the characteristics of construction materials comprising alternative products on three levels: durability of the structure associated with the properties of the implemented materials and the environment it is exposed to, modelling of behaviour, and assessment of the life cycle and environmental impacts in the context of a circular economy.

Cerema’s Site : Aix en Provence / Sourdun 
Gustave Eiffel University’s site : Marne la Vallée

Challenges for society

In France, the construction sector in the broad sense, i.e. buildings and civil engineering, represents almost 10% of the Gross Domestic Product [INSEE, 2015] and provides employment for nearly 1.5 million people. In 2022, the construction industry was the 3rd largest sector generating salaried employment in France. Through its direct and indirect impacts, it supports nearly 13% of French jobs. In addition, buildings, structures and networks are changing the nature, function and appearance of our cities and regions. Their construction, use, maintenance, repair, rehabilitation and demolition consume energy and resources, and generate waste on a huge scale.

The construction sector is by far the largest producer of waste, with 360 Mt in 2010 [CGDD/ SOES, 2013]. This sector also makes a major contribution to implementation of public policies in the fields of transport (infrastructures), housing, education (schools), healthcare (hospitals), and reduction of natural risks. The construction sector is constantly seeking means and strategies to deliver social progress, environmental protection, better use of resources, economic growth and jobs. Over the last few years, sustainable development has become a policy priority reinforced by economic players, with an impact that remains difficult to assess. Today it is therefore at the centre of public and private sector actions.


Scientific approach

The aim of the scientific approaches is to better understand the behaviour of construction materials comprising alternative products (in particular those based on construction waste and industrial coproducts) on three levels: (i) the durability of the structure determined by the properties of the implemented materials and the exposure environment, (ii) optimisation of mixes guaranteeing appropriate mechanical performance, (iii) consideration of the life cycle and environmental impacts in the context of a circular economy.

These approaches are expressed by means of three questions formulated to represent three scientific areas:

  1. How can the specific features of materials based on alternative products (mineralogical, physico-chemical, morphological, etc.) be taken into account in modelling tools in order to predict their characteristics in the short and long term?
  2. What formulations of these materials should be used to ensure they are durable, depending on the type of use/environment?
  3. What is the advantage of using alternative materials, from an environmental point of view, and what is their contribution to the circular economy?

Different types of materials are concerned, including in particular those used within cementitious materials for engineering structures and within bituminous materials for road infrastructure networks, as well as other types of use, for which the performance requirements of construction materials are lower. The aim is to optimise recovery of certain alternative materials without reducing the structure’s durability or harming the environment.

Expected results

The main research themes implemented by UMR MCD are organised into 3 major areas applicable to different types of materials (including in particular those used within cementitious and bituminous materials).

For Area 1 - The interaction mechanisms of alternative materials:

  • Characterisation of alternative materials;
  • Laboratory formulation and characterisation of mixes in fresh condition and early age;
  • Changes in physico-chemical and mechanical properties of the material;
  • Modelling of properties over time.

For Area 2 - Durability of materials in their environment

  • New protocols for ageing of materials;
  • Durability properties of the formulated materials;
  • Models for prediction of durability properties;
  • Validation of models on structural elements.

For Area 3 - Life cycle analysis - Circular economy - Environmental impacts

  • Life cycle integration of the initial products;
  • Life cycle analysis of the initial products;
  • Life cycle analysis of the processes;
  • Life cycle analysis of the selected formulas;
  • FDES (product life cycle analysis and health information document) for structural elements.

Cerema's DIMA team has merged with the FM2D laboratory at Gustave Eiffel University to form the joint research team UMR MCD.

  • Partners from the public sector and the supervisory ministries’ scientific and technical network: CSTB, VNF, Harbors
  • Industrial partnerships: EDF, SMEs, major industrial groups
  • Academic partnerships: Université of Gustave Eiffel, Université de Nantes, ENPC, École Centrale Paris, École des Mines d’Alès, LMDC de Toulouse, Polytech’ Orléans, Université A. Mira de Béjaïa (Algeria), Polytechnic school of the University of São Paulo (Brazil), ESTP, Polytech’ Orléans, Université de Lorraine, Université de Montpellier, University of New Mexico (USA).
Latest publications
Theses under way

Abderrahim ACHCHOUBI (2021-2024)
“ Élaboration d’un outil de diagnostic basé sur la micromécanique pour évaluer la durée de vie résiduelle des matériaux de chaussées” (“"Development of a diagnostic tool based on micromechanics to assess the residual life of pavement materials"”) Thesis of University of Nantes, thesis supervisor: F. Hammoum, Université de Nantes ; advisors: Jean-François Barthélémy, Ciryle Somé, Cerema

Theses submitted

Soufien MOULA (2019-2022)

Polyca BUN (2017-2020)
“Valorisation de ressources naturelles et sous-produits locaux pour la fabrication d’éco-matériaux durables” (“Recovery of local natural resources and by-products for manufacture of sustainable eco-materials”), Thesis co-supervised by Université Paul Sabatier, (thesis supervisor: Martin Cyr LMDC; co-supervisors: Rachida Idir Cerema and Kim Ngun BUN from ITC-GGG), Financing by LMDC (France) and ITC-GGG (Cambodia);

Fayçal LAHJIRI (2017-2020)
“Étude de l’impact physico-chimique des liants dits « régénérants » sur la constructibilité (performance et durabilité) des enrobés recyclés” (“Study of the physico-chemical impact of so-called "regenerating" binders on the constructability (performance and durability) of recycled asphalt”) Thesis at Université de Montpellier (thesis co-supervisors: V. Mouillet, Cerema Méditerranée/Prof. F. Henn, Université de Montpellier ; advisors: Anne Dony/ Layella Zyiani, ESTP, Sabine Gazeau/Frédéric Delfosse : Eurovia), Thesis presented on 6th october 2020

Bernus KOUVEDJIN (2017-2020)
“Caractérisation et modélisation de la fissuration des matériaux viscoélastiques hétérogène : Application à l’étude de la fissuration des enrobés bitumineux sous l’impact des aléas climatiques”, (“Characterisation and modelling of cracking of heterogeneous visco-elastic materials: application to the study of cracking in asphalt mixes due to the impact of climate hazards”) Thesis at Ecole Centrale Supelec Paris, (thesis supervisor: Hechmi Ben Dhia, MSSMAT; co-supervisor: Cyrile Somé, Jean-François Barthélémy, Cerema), Financing by Cerema;

Louise LEMESRE (2017-2020)
“Développement, caractérisation et durabilité de géopolymères à faible impact CO2 à base de poudre de verre”, (“Development, characterisation and durability of low CO2 impact geopolymers based on glass powder”) Thesis at Université de Toulouse, (thesis supervisor: Martin Cyr, LMDC; co-supervisor: Rachida idir, Cerema IdF), Financing by Cerema;

Hamza BEDDAA (2017-2020)
“Effets de l’incorporation des sédiments de dragage sur les propriétés physico-chimiques, mécaniques et de durabilité des bétons”, (“Effects of incorporating dredging sediments on mechanical and physico-chemical properties and durability of concrete”) Thesis at Université Paris Est, (thesis supervisor: Jean-Michel Torrenti, IFSTTAR; co-supervisors: Francis Lavergne, Amor Ben Fraj, Cerema), Financing by “Voies Navigables de France” (as part of the SEDIFLUV project).

Noureddine GOUFI (2014-2018)
“Activation de la pouzzolane algérienne pour l’élaboration d’un nouveu ciment” (“Activation of Algerian pozzolana to develop a new cement”), Thesis at the Oran University of science and technology, Algeria (thesis supervisor: Kaid Nouria; co-supervisor: Rachida Idir, Cerema), Financing by the Algerian Ministry of higher education and research;

Ayodélé ADESSINA (2015-2018)
“Les bétons à base de granulats de démolition : des propriétés microscopiques au comportement macroscopique” (“Concrete based on demolition aggregate: from microscopic properties to macroscopic behaviour”), Thesis at Université Paris Est, (thesis supervisor: Luc Dormieux, Navier laboratory; co-supervisor Amor Ben Fraj, Jean-François Barthélémy, Cerema), Financing by Cerema;

Omar ABDULKAREEM (2014-2017)
“Microstructure and durability properties of environmentally friendly Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC)”
Thesis at Université de Nantes, (thesis supervisor: Abdelhafid Khelidj GeM; co-supervisors: Amor Ben Fraj, Cerema and Marwen Bouasker PRISME), Financing by Iraq Ministry of higher education and research;
Thesis presented on 8 December 2017

Sabine VASSAUX (2014-2017)
“Mouillabilité et miscibilité des bitumes et impact sur l’adhésivité : application au multi-recyclage des enrobés” (“Wettability and mixability of asphalts and impact on adhesiveness: application to multiple recycling of asphalts”)
Thesis at Université de Montpellier (thesis co-supervisors: V. Mouillet, Cerema Méditerranée/Dr. V. Montero, Université de Montpellier ; advisors: Vincent Gaudefroy, Ifsttar, Laurence Boulangé, Eiffage, Audrey Pévère, Cerema Méditerranée), Financing by ANR.
Thesis submitted on 27 November 2017

Andy Andrianandraina (2011-2014)
“Approche d'éco-conception basée sur la combinaison de l'Analyse de Cycle de Vie et de l'Analyse de Sensibilité. : Cas d'application sur le cycle de vie du matériau d'isolation thermique biosourcé, le béton de chanvre” (“Eco-design approach based on the combination of Life Cycle Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis: application case to the life cycle of a bio-source thermal insulation material, hemp concrete”)
Thesis at Université de Nantes, Thesis supervisor: Anne VENTURA, Université de Nantes, co-supervisors: Bogdan CAZACLIU, IFSTTAR de Nantes, Rachida IDIR, Cerema and Hayo van der WERF from INRA in Rennes. Financing by ADEME and the Pays de la Loire regional council.

Team manager
Deputy manager
Team members
Jean-Christophe Molinengo
Charlotte Masse
Jérôme Carriat
Véronique Queyrat
Bernus Kouevidjin
Hamza Beddaa
Daniel Leroy
Mathieu Landrin
Formulaire de contact

UMR MCD: Materials for sustainable construction

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