Facilities and measures for small fauna
Technical guide
“Facilities and measures for small fauna” is both a technical guide and a methodological document drafted jointly by departments of the French public works and the French ecology and sustainable development ministries.
It provides the most comprehensive summary of knowledge and experience on both national and European levels.
“Facilities and measures for small fauna” is both a technical guide and a methodological document drafted jointly by departments of the French public works and the French ecology and sustainable development ministries.
It provides the most comprehensive summary of knowledge and experience on both national and European levels.
Its purpose is to offer a maximum quantity of methodological recommendations and technical information essential to proper consideration of small fauna in new projects or existing infrastructure developments.
This work is especially intended for project owners in French public works and French ecology and sustainable development ministry departments, for local authorities, motorway concessionary operators and design consultancies.
- For the reader’s attention
- Intended readership and usage
- Introduction
- Key points
Chapter 1 : A need for fauna facilities ans measures
- A statement of fact: threatened biodiversity and irreversible risks
- An increase in species extinction rate
- Endangered habitats
- Conservation imperatives
- Legal arguments and instruments
Chapter 2 : Approach to study performance
- Study of habitats and territories: landscape ecology
- Species and population study
Chapter 3 : Impacts
- Construction-related effects
- Structure-related effects
- Operation-related impacts
- Negative effects of land reallocation and ancillary works
- Positive effects of creating new environments
Chapter 4 : Facilities and measures for small fauna
- Road crossing installations
- Fences and obstructions (low walls, barriers, angles)
- Other measures in favour of small fauna
Chapter 5 : Facility and green dependancy management
- Facility management
- Eco-managing green dependencies
Technical datasheets
- Datasheet n°1 : Status of fauna in metropolitan France
- Datasheet n°2 : Natural area conservation measures and aids
- Datasheet n°3 : Micromammal trapping
- Datasheet n°4 : Photographic trapping and video surveillance
- Datasheet n°5 : Impact of road infrastructure artificial lighting on fauna
- Datasheet n°6 : Biological corridors
- Datasheet n°7 : Amphibian substitution pond features
- Datasheet n°8 : Piscicultural facilities (crossing systems)
- Datasheet n°9 : Major structure design and management recommendations
- Datasheet n°10 : Passage developments
Species datasheets
- Datasheet A : Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)
- Datasheet B : Hermann’s or Maures tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
- Datasheet C : Chiroptera .
- Datasheet D : Otter (Lutra lutra)
- Datasheet E : Badger (Meles meles)
- Datasheet F : European mink (Mustela lutreola)
- Datasheet G : Beaver (Castor fiber)